Thursday, May 13, 2010

American Art Therapy Association (AATA) Awards are granted to student members who have been accepted or are attending an American Art Therapy Association approved Graduate Art Therapy Program (that's us).  You can find all information regarding the application process on the AATA website.  The deadline for application packets is July 15th.  All students are encouraged to apply!

In 2009 a Naropa art therapy student received a scholarship specifically designed to provide financial support to students interested in attending the annual AATA Conference. This fund is available to 3 student members who can demonstrate financial need, enrollment in an AATA approved art therapy program, prior involvement in art as healing events and potential for becoming a leader in the AATA community.

Other scholarships available include:

AATA Anniversary Scholarship Fund (1 award)
Available to a stude]npt with a current GPA of at least 3.25 who can demonstrate financial need and acceptance and or enrollment in an AATA approved graduate art therapy program.

Myra Levick Scholarship Fund (1 award)
Available to a student with a current GPA of at least 3.00 who can demonstrate financial need and acceptance and or enrollment in an AATA approved art therapy program.

Rawley Silver Award for Excellence (1 award)
Available to a student whose academic record or prior experience is deemed excellent (3.50) who can demonstrate financial need and acceptance and or enrollment in an AATA approved art therapy program. Where there is no financial need, a $100 honorarium will be granted.

Cay Drachnik Minorities Fund (1 award)
Specifically designed for the purchase of books, this fund is available to members of an ethnic minority group who can demonstrate financial need and acceptance and or enrollment in an AATA approved art therapy program.

Pearlie Roberson Award (1 award)
Specifically designed to provide financial support for a project, undertaken by a student or professional member of AATA that targets multicultural aspects and capacities of art therapy.

Prasad Family Foundation-International Student Scholarship (2 awards)
Specifically designed to provide financial support for international students enrolled in an AATA Approved Graduate Program.


A'n'G Johnson said...

Chelsea, I am so glad you posted these. Thankfully this year I was on top of it, but I am so surprised that none of our professors ever help point these things out!

Unknown said...

Hey - great blog here! We love reading about what students are doing to further the future of the field. I wanted to let you know that the networking organization the Society for the Arts in Healthcare also just launched a student scholarship, which you can see more about here: If you think this is worthwhile for your audience, please pass on the word!

Cara (Society for the Arts in Healthcare Admin Coordinator)

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